• Rhode Island Edition •



Real Haunted Places Across Rhode Island

Across ##Region##, there are countless locations that are believed to be haunted, ranging from houses & hotels, to lighthouses, roadways, and wooded areas - ghosts and spirits don't seem to discriminate when it comes to what locations they're haunting! Find out all about Rhode Island's unique haunted locales, many of which are open to the public, and if you're feeling very brave, visit one of these exciting haunted places!
  • White Horse Tavern Newport, RI
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    The White Horse Tavern in Newport features American cuisine in a historic setting that dates back to 1673. Stories say that in the 1720s, two drifters showed up at the tavern looking for a room. The next day, the owners of the tavern found one of the drifters dead by the fireplace and the other had disappeared. Witnesses have claimed to see the drifter's ghost hanging out by the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

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